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East View Platform


This high-level assessment covers limited portions and functionality of the East View Global Press Archive Platform. The assessment revealed issues with assistive technology compatibility, resulting in some users missing information required to perceive and understand content, and to operate functions. It is important to keep in mind that the findings represent a high-level assessment, and do not reflect the results of a Deque Comprehensive Web Assessment.

Top 3 Issues:

  1. Labels – Many controls throughout the site are either missing a programmatic label or are not associated with their visible label, preventing users of Assistive Technology from knowing what the purpose of the affected controls are.
  2. Keyboard – Wherever canvas techniques are used to implement an interactive control (such as the map widget and the date span widget), the affected controls are not keyboard accessible nor is the information from the controls available for a user of Assistive Technology.
  3. Language of Parts – Wherever titles or other content exist in a language that is not English, the change in language is not defined in code. As a result, users of Assistive Technology may not encounter the correct pronunciation of the affected non-English content.